Sunday, August 12, 2012

CD terrain

Ok, so I've picked up a bunch of old CDs along the way.  The old AOL CDs, information sent to me at work for different topics, etc.   I've seen a lot of CD terrain posted on the internet and wanted to give it a try myself.  I also had some of the pink foam insulation used by others to carve into stones, walls, etc. So with a bit of free time (i.e. 30 minutes here and there over two weeks) I managed to come up with an idea for a magic stone circle for a place of power for Song of Blades and Heroes.  Part of the inspiration was because my wife found a used copy of Bernard Cornwell's "Stonehedge" novel.

  Here are some photos of the work in process.

CD, Cut foam and a marked up base.
hand carved runes

The standing stones

Painted Base

Almost Finished

HeroScape Elven Mage for scale

Another View for scale to show the runes

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