Jack's co-pilot is a Rep 4 Duros named Nee Bannis. I gave him the Runt Attribute as this race is not known for their melee skills (per the Star Wars Saga Edition rules). This is a racial trait so I also drew a random card and came up with the Transporter attribute. Nee Bannis carries a laser pistol.
Jack has also recently hired a ship's mechanic named Bobby George. He is of unknown quality (Rep 3) and has the Wary Attribute. Bobby carries a laser pistol.
Jack also took in a young refugee named Kari-an. She is Rep 3 and has the Medic attribute and carries a laser pistol.
The final member of the crew is a T1 Bulk Loader Droid that Jack inherited with the ship. The droid is useful for loading and unloading cargo as well as some other things.
Next will be the beginning of the adventure.