Sunday, March 13, 2016

Ruined Tower Terrain

I've been wanting to get a ruined tower completed for some time for use with Frostgrave, Advanced Song of Blades and Heroes, Warrior Heroes Legends or any other miniature games.   Where I work we have a lot of cardboard cores that come in with some of our raw materials as spacers.   Perfect for a tower, or at least the start of one.

I cut is apart and stacked on piece on top of the other.  I also found some 1/4" thick pink insulation board and cut a circular base that I then scribed a stone pattern on it.   On the outside I cut a few pieces of thin cardboard to simulate a stone pattern.  Glue to an old CD, prime with grey paint and I had a good start.

The fun part of a ruined tower on a table is the elevation it can provide for missile armed troops and fire-ball throwing mages.   So I added to levels of partially ruined wood floors.   The first floor started with a piece of cardboard cut to the inner diameter.   I then glued pieces of wooden stir sticks left over from a special event where I work.   Then painted with a wash of thinned down brown paint.  I then dry brushed with lighter browns to give a weathered look.

The second wood floor would be much smaller.  I glued a square balsa wood piece for the second floor base.  Then I superglued more wood stir sticks that were painted the same way.   Note the white in the back of the first floor is still wet white glue.   As this will be a tower used for Frostgrave I still need to add snow and ice to some of the flat surfaces.  I also need to put snow along the back where the glue is still wet.  I'll also make some rubble to represent the part of the tower that has crumbled.

Thanks for looking!

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